Off the beaten tracks plus island tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 650 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 7 часов

We start with a walking tour through the city and I can propose you a walking tour through the following quarters of Venice: Dorsoduro off the beaten tracks, Canaregio and the Gheto off the beaten tracks or Highlights that start from Rialto's Market area and ends in Castello.They all lasts 2 and half hours.En route we can stop and have a break for some food that it is not included in the cost of the walking tour and you have to pay it directly.The cost of the tours is 250 Euro.

Regarding Murano, Mazorbo and Burano there is a complimentary pick up from your hotel to the nearest boarding pier that where we will reach Murano by boat.Once there you have the chance to visit a glass factory and see how the master create his masterpieces.At the end we can go to visit a church in Murano and then take a second transportation to Mazorbo where we will start the visit that will end in the colourful Burano where you can visit an old lace factory.

If you wish and if we have time left you can also enjoy a meal in one of the local restaurants.

Meal is not included.

On the way back we can take the public transportation that costs 10 Euro per person that you have to pay directly.This tour lasts 5 hours and the cost will be 400 Euro.


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