Язык Английский
Стоимость 40 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 1 день

If you are a Desert enthusiast and you are visiting Marrakech for a short time, but you see that it is not practical to journey to Sahara because it needs at least 3-days and almost 10 hours’ drive one way. Well, do not worry. Therefore, if it is not your cup of tea to make this big trip, there are other desert tours from Marrakech. Not a lot of people know about Agafay Desert, only 30 min from your hotel/Riad in Marrakech. To be honest you will not find the golden rolling sand dunes here    (it is a stone desert) but you absolutely can have the secluded desert experience complete with stunning views of the High Atlas Mountains. In addition, it is closed enough to easily be a day trip from Marrakech.


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