Cox's Bazar

Язык Бенгальский, Английский, хинди
Стоимость 270 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 3 дня

Welcome to Cox's Bazar, a stunning coastal destination in southeastern Bangladesh, home to the world's longest natural sea beach. With over 120 kilometers of golden sands along the Bay of Bengal, this picturesque locale is perfect for beach lovers, nature enthusiasts, and cultural explorers.

Key Attractions

Cox's Bazar Beach: Experience the world's longest natural sea beach, ideal for sunbathing, swimming, and enjoying breathtaking sunrises and sunsets.

Himchari National Park: Explore scenic waterfalls, lush rainforests, and diverse wildlife. Perfect for hiking and bird watching.

Inani Beach: A tranquil escape with clear blue waters and unique rock formations, located just south of the main beach.

Maheshkhali Island: Visit the Adinath Temple and enjoy the island's hilly, forested landscape.

Cultural Highlights

Discover the rich cultural heritage influenced by various ethnic groups, including the Rakhine people. Visit local markets, craft shops, and historical sites named after Captain Hiram Cox, reflecting the area's diverse history.

Population 2169668; Male 1108901, female 1060767. Muslims 2036948, Hindus 92408, Buddhists 37805, Christians 1456 and others 1051.

Cox's Bazar is a favorite place of foreign tourists and a large number of foreign tourists visit Cox's Bazar every year.

Tour plane in Cos’s Bazar...

We will leave Bangladesh capital by train at 11:00 PM for Cox's Bazar and reach Cox's Bazar at 7:00 AM. From that day we will explore Cox's Bazar for 2 days and see everything in Cox's Bazar including some historical places on first day. And next day I will visit several places including Innani Beach, Marine Drive Beach, Kal Tali Beach. After visiting all the places I will return to Dhaka on time. And depending on any decision, the tour plane may change.

Tour Cost...

There are 2 ways you can get around in cox's bazar, usually you can get around by ac train and ac bus.

And it can be visited in VIP way which will cost much more.

Tour person….

Usually (Euro 270) is required for each person to travel. (Euro500) is required for two people.

For bookings of more than two people, talk to me through the Private Guide application site.


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