Dutch Heritage Odyssey: Off the Beaten Track - Enkhuizen, Schermerhorn Windmill & De Rijp Private Tour

Язык Голландский, Английский, Русский
Стоимость 800 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 8 часов

Embark on a delightful private tour of Enkhuizen, the Schermerhorn Museum Windmill, and De Rijp with the convenience and comfort of my minivan. This exclusive journey takes you off the beaten track to explore some of the Netherlands' most charming and historically rich locales, with transportation costs included in the tour price.

Begin your adventure in Enkhuizen, a picturesque town known for its maritime heritage and beautifully preserved architecture. Wander through its quaint streets, visit the Zuiderzeemuseum (optional), and immerse yourself in the town's seafaring history.

Next, we’ll drive to the Schermerhorn Museum Windmill, an iconic symbol of Dutch engineering and ingenuity. Here, you can discover the fascinating inner workings of a traditional windmill and learn about its vital role in managing the country’s waterways.

Finally, we’ll visit De Rijp, a stunning village renowned for its historic buildings and serene canals. Stroll through the charming streets, take in the unique atmosphere, and perhaps enjoy a leisurely lunch at one of the local cafés.

This private tour ensures a personalized and comfortable experience, allowing you to fully enjoy the scenic Dutch countryside without the hassle of public transportation. Join me for a memorable day exploring these enchanting, lesser-known destinations, with all transportation conveniently taken care of.


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