Half-Day Prague Highlights Private Driving Tour

Язык Чешский, Английский, Немецкий, Русский
Стоимость 300 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 3 часа

Indulge in an exclusive, tailor-made private tour meticulously crafted to cater to your individual interests and preferences. Experience the beauty and richness of Prague through a completely private and comprehensive journey designed solely for you and/or your group. Example Itinerary (Please Get in touch if you and/or your group would like to focus on different areas): We will pick you up from the meeting point that is convenient to you and start our journey by viewing Wenceslas Square, the State Opera House , the National Museum, Prague Castle all from the comfort of your own car. Take a short stroll through the main gate, past the Archbishop's Palace to St. Vitus Cathedral and delve into its rich history and marvel at its architectural beauty. Wander through the Royal Palace, observe the presidential balcony, the statue of St George and the beautiful Royal Gardens and fountains. Time to hop back into the car and drive through the exclusive Pařížská (Paris) Street to Old Town Square. Here we will view the Magnificent Old Town Hall and the world renowned Astronomical Clock, St. Nicholas's Church and Tyn Church. To finish off, explore the Malá Strana and Kampa Island and experience Prague's "Little Venice". From start to finish, your private tour promises to be an extraordinary exploration of Prague's beauty and rich history guided by an expert local licensed tour guide.


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