Moroccan Highlights: From Casablanca to the Sahara and Back

Язык Английский, Французский
Стоимость 800 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 6 дней

Tour Description: A Journey Through Morocco's Diverse Attractions

Experience the essence of Morocco with a tour that covers the country's most iconic and diverse attractions:

- **Modern City (Casablanca):** Begin your adventure in Casablanca, Morocco's largest city and economic hub.

- **Imperial City (Marrakech):** Explore the vibrant, historic city of Marrakech, renowned for its lively souks and grand palaces.

- **Atlas Mountains (Ait Bougmez):** Discover the serene beauty of Ait Bougmez, also known as the "Happy Valley," nestled in the High Atlas Mountains.

- **Place of Kasbahs (Dades Valley):** Journey through the Dades Valley, famous for its dramatic rock formations and ancient kasbahs.

- **Desert (Merzouga):** Experience the awe-inspiring Sahara Desert in Merzouga, with a camel trek and an overnight stay in a traditional desert camp.

- **Cinematic City (Ouarzazate):** Visit Ouarzazate, the gateway to the Sahara and a prominent filming location for many Hollywood movies.

- **UNESCO Site (Ait Benhaddou):** Explore the UNESCO World Heritage site of Ait Benhaddou, a stunning example of Moroccan earthen clay architecture.

The price could be vary based on what is and not included

A file contains the detail itinerary and more information will be sent by email for interested people


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