7 dys/6 nts tour to Aksum & Tigray rock hewn churches.

Язык Английский, Французский, Немецкий
Стоимость 1900 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 1 неделя

There are more than 120 rock-hewn churches recorded in only Tigray region. Local tradation attributes that many of these churches are dated back to the 4th-6th century C AD.

Where as some of the churches are founded between 13th-14th centuries, especially churches around Geraltha.

These stupendous rock hewn churches of Tigrai are curved into relatively remote mountain cliff faces on sandstone rock type. They still remain active worshiping centers of Ethiopian Orthodox religion, decorated with Bibilical and tradatiinal paintings.The rock hewn churches of Tigrai were generally excavated using very different methods compared with that of Lalibela rock hewn churches. Many of the churches are lie along the main road between Mekelle and Adigrat, Adwa and Axum, and are grouped under four major huddles/clusters. Some are accessible and can be reached easily from the main asphalt road. While others situated off from the main road and needs hours driving through mountainous and rough terrains.


Day 1- Addis Abeba

Arrive Addis Ababa and take city tour to visit National museum of Ethiopia, Trinity Cathedral, Markato, the biggest open air market in Africa, mount Entoto and more. O/n hotel

Day 2- Addis Ababa-Axum

Fly to Axum with the morning flight and meet with the driver waiting for you at Axum int'l airport. After check in hotel and short break, go for a city tour of the town that covers:

the stele park, tomb of king Kaleb and Gebre Meskel, the church of St. Mary of Zion where Ethiopians' believe that the original Ark of the covenant is reposited, Palace of Queen Sheba and many other ancient treasures. O/n hotel

Day 3- Axum-Adigrat

Early breakfast then drive to Adigirat with stops at the ancient Sabian settlement of Yeha, today known for the ruin building of the moon temple of Yeha erected b/n 8-6 BC for sacrificial purpose to the god of moon called Almuqah and rope climbing church of Debre Damo. O/n Adigrat

Day 4-Adigrat-Hawzen

After breakfast drive to the churches of Tesfa cluster where you could see 2 or more rock hewn churches: such as Medhanialem Adi Keshu, Paulos and petrous. Then head to Hawzien. O/n hotel/ lodge

Day 5- Hawzen

Full day in Hawzien with excursion to Gerealtha mountain rock hewn churches, most of them are spotted at the very clffs of mountain escarpments. These are the church of Mariam Korkor, Daniel Korkor and Abune Yemata/Guh. O/n hotel/lodge

Day 6- Hawzen-Mekele

Take breakfast and start driving to Mekele, the 2nd biggest city in Ethiopia, next to Addis Ababa where about 800,000 inhabitants are living. On the way visit Mariam Papasiti, the rock hewn churches of Abreha-Atsibeha and Wokro Qirkos. O/n hotel

Day 7- Mekele-Addis Ababa

Take an early breakfast, pack your luggage and transfer to airport for your flight to Addis Abeba. Balance of the day, shopping and other activities then go to cultural restaurant for farewell dinner accompanied by local dishes and folkloristic dances. Finally, drop you at Bole Int'l airport for your departure home.

End of service




-Room at 3-4* hotels.

-Meal in full board basis

-High roofed mini van in all cities.

-All transfer in and out services

-All entrance fee

-English speaking guide all the way

-Local guide payments

-2 bottles of water/day/pax

-porter fee

-Gov tax

Not included

-Client's domestic and int'l flight ticket

-photo and video charges

-Visa and insurance payment


-Shopping expenses

-Any alcoholic drinks and so on.


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