Spotlight of Ohrid Old Town

Язык хорватский, Английский, Serbian
Стоимость 70 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 4 часа

Meet your guide on the main square of Ohrid, near St. Clement's statue. Then explore the quaint Old Town and marvel at its unique architecture, stopping at the Robevi Family Museum House. Continue to the beautiful Church of St. Sophia before visiting the Museum of Ohrid Perlis (Family Filevi), established in 1928.

Next, gaze at the impressive antique theater of Ohrid and move on to the Citadel of Ohrid Fortress, complete with stunning city views. Make a stop at St. Clement University and Church and get your cameras out at the Church of St. John at Kaneo with its breathtaking views.

At this point, choose between an optional boat tour back or continue walking along the lake and navigating the small streets back to the main square.


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