Daya Sudama - местный частный тур гид в стране Индия

I am licensed, trained tour guide of the Ministry of Tourism Govt. of India, have been working for the past 14 years.

Under Incredible India’s program ATITHEE DEVO BHAVA (it means Guest is GOD) we have day tours for Foreigners who come to visit India. We enlighten them about our Fairs, Festivals, Culture, Traditions, Cuisine, Arts, and our rich Heritage and History. We also conduct old city and local Bazaar walks that bring more tourists and promote tourism and local craft.

Pune can be added in the itinerary of people who are in transit from Mumbai, Aurangabad, Kolhapur, Nasik, Satara, and Goa.

It is very crucial to engage services of a knowledgeable local tour guide who is rooted in his/her city and knows the surroundings thoroughly. She/He provides you tips and information that you will not find in any travel books

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