Lola Rubio - местный частный тур гид в стране Испания

I studied Tourism and History of Art, the perfect mixture of my two passions. I really enjoy showing the city to anyone who comes to visit it. I love Seville, its people and gastronomy, I love to share experiences and meet new people. I am the one who will guide you inside the monuments to discover the corners of the Cathedral, the Giralda or the curiosities and secrets of the oldest Royal Palace in the world: The Alcazar. I am one of those that during the Holly Week walks through the streets listening to the local radio to find the best places to see the processions. For that reason, I enjoy so much when teaching and explaining the most important festivity to anyone who wants to know about it. I like to travel and when I am the guide I want the people of my group to experience Seville and Andalusia like a local.

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