Ercan Bildik - местный частный тур гид в странах Турция, США

I’m Ercan, the founder of Turkey Vacations. I’m an Anatolian born and bred with an unrivalled passion for Turkey.

With over a decade of guiding experience.

I started this for private guided tours to make sure that my guests could really experience Istanbul & All Turkey and not just drive by on a crowded tour bus.

The team includes expert tourist guides (who can take you inside the sights) - both men and women, are chosen for their enthusiasm, personality, academic backgrounds and professional experience..

We offer tours both in Istanbul and day trips to the surrounding areas, also Overnight Tours Around Turkey.

I now have the pleasure of crafting your tours every step of the way from planning right through to the day itself.

Языки Английский, Португальский, Tурецкий
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