Emad Elsayed - местный частный тур гид в стране Египет

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  • Español


Hola a todos

Yo me llamo Emad. Trabajo Como guía turístico hace más de 18 años. Vivo en El Cairo. Organizo viajes en El Cairo, Guiza, Alejandría y a todas las ciudades de Egipto. Conmigo el viaje es diferente; van a conocer las maravillas de esta tierra tan misteriosa, la historia antigua y la nueva. Os espero en egipto

📓I am a freelance Spanish speaking tour guide. My name is Emad, I was born in Al Mansura(means "victorious". The city is named after the Egyptian victory over Louis IX of France during the Seventh Crusade)

-Graduated from Faculty of Languages ​​and Translation,Al-Azhar University,

-Diploma in Egyptology and tourist.

- member of Egyptian General Tourist Guides Syndicate (EGTGS) and the world federation of tourist guide association (WFTGA) .

-I want to offer you as a private, independent guide trips tailored completely to your needs in cairo and all over Egypt, whether you’d like an outing of just a couple of hours, a day, or longer



Hola a todos

Yo me llamo Emad. Trabajo Como guía turístico hace más de 18 años. Vivo en El Cairo. Organizo viajes en El Cairo, Guiza, Alejandría y a todas las ciudades de Egipto. Conmigo el viaje es diferente; van a conocer las maravillas de esta tierra tan misteriosa, la historia antigua y la nueva. Os espero en egipto

📓I am a freelance Spanish speaking tour guide. My name is Emad, I was born in Al Mansura(means "victorious". The city is named after the Egyptian victory over Louis IX of France during the Seventh Crusade)

-Graduated from Faculty of Languages ​​and Translation,Al-Azhar University,

-Diploma in Egyptology and tourist.

- member of Egyptian General Tourist Guides Syndicate (EGTGS) and the world federation of tourist guide association (WFTGA) .

-I want to offer you as a private, independent guide trips tailored completely to your needs in cairo and all over Egypt, whether you’d like an outing of just a couple of hours, a day, or longer

Языки Португальский, Испанский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR)

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