Doaa Ahmed - местный частный тур гид в стране Египет

Egyptian tour guide

Come with us to discover the secret inside EgYpT

Языки Арабский, Английский
Валюты Доллар США (USD)

Экскурсии (2)

Отзывы Туристов (3)

Xabi Martín González
28 ИЮН 2018
Incredible experience in Cairo with the knowledge of Doaa. I could discover the secrets of the Ancient Egypt by visiting the Archaeological Museum, the Piramids and Sphinx, Boat Museum, Perfume House, Papyrus Galleries... and enjoy a wonderful horse ride around Giza.
I will repeat for sure and continue exploring this amazing country by the hand of Doaa and her team. Really professionals.
bi jingshou
18 ИЮЛ 2018
she is very nice and professional. i preciate the guide service she delivered to me and i very enjoy the time with her. thank you doaa ahmed! hope see u again!
Faith Adongo
07 АПР 2022
Doa is an amazing guide. So friendly and personable from the moment we met her. Knows a ton of history and relays it in an easy to understand and interesting way. Very patient with our questions and AMAZING at taking the best pics. Also amazing at making sure we’re not taken advantage of at various tourist sites. It was a pleasure seeing the pyramids/sphinx with her.
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