Manu Peclat - местный частный тур гид в стране Бразилия

My name's Emanuel Peclat, but everybody calls me MANU PECLAT.

I'm an accredited local private tour guide in Rio de Janeiro, licensed by the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism for 12 years in "the world's marvellous city". Exclusive, privately taken City Tours with ME as your private guide, on board of a safe, comfortably A/C modern vehicle WITH A SEPARATE DRIVER, allowing me to dedicate FULL ATTENTION to my guests without concerning about traffic, searching for parking spots at the attractions, and saving a precious and valuable time of our tour time!!

I welcome all travelers with the warmth and smile of my people, the astonishing views of our nature, the richness of our culture, the unforgettable touristic highlights which makes RIO, one of the most visited places in the world. Contact me thru my listed e-mail, and make your trip to Brazil an UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE!!

Языки Английский, Испанский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Бразильский реал (BRL)

Экскурсии (2)

Отзывы Туристов (1)

Clark McClain
20 АПР 2024
On our trip to Sao Paulo with family we took 2 days of our trip to be in Rio. We booked Manu for March 8 and 9, 2024. Manu was always very fast to respond and helped book our sightseeing, and even gave recommendations for our hotel and for some very good restaurants near where were were staying too! The van we traveled in was Air Conditioned and very comfortable, and they were always prompt to pick us up in the morning.

Manu knows of many locations and places to go that many others don’t from his many years of doing tours. With his connections he booked the Christ Statue tour for both days so that we could decide on the day which day we would go depending on weather. It was great that we did, because our first day on March 8 it was overcast and cloudy the whole day, an Manu recommended to wait to see Christ. His advice was worth it because it was perfect weather and clear the second day and we got to see the statue perfectly clear and got some amazing photos as well! Manu is also a great group photographer.

There were a few times too that my wife mentioned foods she wanted to eat, and Manu adjusted while we were on the tour and found the best local spots for everything we were looking for!

Overall I highly recommend Manu. He is very present, his tour was very well planned but also flexible at the same time. Overall it was a great experience!
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