Peter Boer - местный частный тур гид в стране Намибия

Peter Boer is well-known tour guide in Namibia, and freelance national and qualified tour guide in Namibia.

I specialized in Namibia Botswana Victoria falls Zimbabwe. During the pandemic covid it was tough and as freelance tour guide ,there was no an income, and I really appreciate my friends who supported me during this period. My dream was started my own company and thanks to Jens who help me with the company Peter Boer

Tours & Safaris is fully with Namibian Tourism Board registered. The vision of the company is quality service and wort it for your vacation to Southern Africa. More info contact us.

We do much more adventures to be expected. We do care about Mother Nature and Animals.

Языки Английский
Валюты Доллар Намибии (NAD)

Экскурсии (3)

Отзывы Туристов (1)

Martin Schlegel
21 АВГ 2022
I spent 12d with Peter on a tour through Namibia with my family. Everyday Peter amazed us, not only with the wonders of Namibia, but he always came up with something special off the beaten tracks. We really enjoyed travelling with him and always felt safe, secure and well entertained on the journey. Peter is incredibly knowledgable about wildlife and the country, but most of all he is a real fun guy to travel with. Thanks once again for the mindblowing time. Can't wait to be back! All the best from Germany.

Martin, Carolin and family
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