Walter Montalvão - местный частный тур гид в стране Португалия

MORE THAN a tourist guide in PORTUGAL. A friend, a driver, kind, educated, communicative and very good-humored, who helps organize, receive and accompany tours or executive road shows!

Citizen of the world, the professional and social culture acquired and lived in countries like USA, UK, France, Spain, Andorra, Israel, Portugal and South America, mostly in Brazil in eight cities, allow me to offer quality experiences that a conventional guide can hardly provide.

A friend:

• Ready to present the ORIGINS, TRADITIONS, BEAUTIES, ENO-GASTRONOMY and CULTURE of Portugal or Brazil in a way that allows the soul's perception of the local people and the emotional record of these memories.

• A driver / guide who explains the history and curiosities of the visited regions with time to appreciate the places, towns, villages, villages and places that are not part of the conventional tourist routes, showing the geographic, historical, religious and artistic diversity;

• The international consultant background also helps to identify business and real opportunities.

Talk to me, count on me!

As I have little free time, I do not check

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