Pedro Wright - местный частный тур гид в странах Парагвай, Бразилия, Аргентина

I'm fun loving with an adventurous spirit. I have learnt a lot about Paraguay over the years and have been just about everywhere one would want to go making numerous friends and contacts even in the remotest areas. This makes a whole lot of difference in a country where who you know is much more useful than what you know. I've organized, booked and guided personalized tours for groups of 2 to 40 people for up to 2 weeks. From 50 to 5000 kms around the whole of Paraguay for people of all ages - from teenagers to seniors. I speak English, Spanish and Guarani fluently and Portuguese pretty well. I'm into adventure, rural and historical tourisim. Sight-seeing, camping and photo safaris off the beaten track to pristine nature reserves and national parks.From top of the line rural hotels that have everything a tourist could imagine to 5 star internation chains await the most exacting visitor.Drop me a line to tailor your trip to your taste at really great prices.

Языки Английский, Guaraní, Португальский, Испанский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR)

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