nasim aram - местный частный тур гид в стране Иран

Hello. My name is Nasim . I am the owner of a photography studio in Tehran and really like to be a tour guide either. I studied art, so if u like to know about the art of Iran in museums and some historical sites,u can count on me:)

Depends on your taste, tour program can be changed. I will be waiting for you in 8 ,30 in my car in your hotel. We can visit the oldest royal complex in Tehran and a UNESCO word heritage site, the memorizing golestan palace, we can also visit national museum of Iran, and jewelry museum. After completing mostly cultural half of a tour, its time for a stroll in the old northern district of the city(tajrish square and tajrish bazaar).don’t miss alborz mountains in darband, the most popular weekend spot for the massive population of the city which has fresh weather, stunning landscapes and flowing will have some professional photos in this tour also🙂

Языки Английский, Французский, персидский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR)

Экскурсии (3)

Отзывы Туристов (4)

Tazhan Hussain
02 ИЮН 2022
She was an intelligent, clever , charming , cute girl . Who made my trip more beautiful and more productive

With her you feel more safe and comfortable

My travel was for business and journey
Even i left some works to her and she finished them later in Tehran

I recommend everyone to make their Iran travel with Nasim
And I guarantee their satisfaction 😊
Emeline Rose
26 ИЮН 2022
Nasim made my trip to Iran so special and unique!
She is very smart and know everything about Teheran, you just have to trust her she knows where to bring you. She was available whenever I needed her even at nighttime!!
Also her english is very good and she also knows a bit of french so communication was fluid and rich.
I had such a great time with her, talking about culture/tradition differences, trying different food, visiting different places, etc etc I can even say I felt more like I was with a friend than a guide !
I 100% recommend her to anyone willing to have an amazing stay in Iran.
Thank you so much Nasim and I hope to see you soon in Iran
Nikita Zhuravlev
15 ЯНВ 2023
Great guide! She will make a trip-program just for you based on your available time in Tehran and your interests.

She knows both historical and shopping places, can tell you a lot about city, culture and people. Advanced level of speaking english makes it easy to communicate!

With her my trip was much insightful, interesting, safer and pleasing!
maryam Omedi
04 СЕН 2023
Nasim is such a helpfull , caring and smart lady who knows how to help you through everything in tehran.
I had surgery Got done and she took care of me like a nurse and a friend.
I think I would have been lost without her. We also had great conversations about cultures differences and history!
She really made my trip feel safe and comfortable.
I really recommend her to everyone going to Tehran for the first time!
She will definitely make your stay easier and memorable!
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