Julia Fedotova - местный частный тур гид в стране Россия

Dear visitors! I'm very glad to welcome you on this website!

My name is Julia, and I'm a professional tour guide in Moscow. I conduct all types of tours in the city, including those requiring special licenses, such as tours of the Moscow Kremlin, the Armoury and some others.

I was born in Moscow and have been living here all my life. I have a university degree in the English language, which contributes greatly to the effective communication with tourists.

If you have enough time in Moscow, I recommend starting your visit with the tour of the Moscow Kremlin, the historical heart of the city. Red Square, the main attraction of the country and the place that witnessed the most significant historical events, is just a stone’s throw from the Kremlin and certainly a must-see! One more wonderful option for the interesting and informative pastime is a sightseeing tour of the city either on foot or by car! Enjoying this tour you will visit Moscow's most remarkable places of interest and get a better and deeper understanding of the city.

For those who are fond of art, a visit to the Tretyakov gallery, the largest collection of Russian paintings, is highly recommended! This beautiful collection can't leave anyone indifferent! The exposition is housed in two different locations. Some of the most valued Russian icons and works until the early 20th century by such prominent artists as Repin, Surikov, Vasnetsov, Serov are displayed in Lavrushinsky pereulok 10. The 20th century collection, including avant-garde paintings by Malevich, Kandinsky, Goncharova, Larionov, is exhibited in Krymsky Val 10.

For theatre-lovers a visit to the famous Bolshoi theatre is indispensable! The Bolshoi theatre boasts the best classical ballet troupe in the world! The Bolshoy is also known for its excellent operas and virtuoso musicians. Spend an evening here enjoying the theatre's exciting atmosphere, its dazzling interiors and, of course, the mastery of the performers.

So come and see Moscow with your own eyes! I"m sure that this magnificent city will make an unforgettable impression on you and remain in your hearts forever!

For your convenience, tour prices you'll find below include entrance tickets for 5 people, the guide's services and all necessary fees charged by the museums. In most cases the price will be lower if there are fewer than 5 people in the group.

Groups of up to 15 people are welcome. Prices for groups of more than 5 people are negotiable.

Have an enjoyable stay in Moscow!

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