Ernest Abdel Sayed - местный частный тур гид в стране Египет

I studied Egyptology in university and graduated as a professional English speaking tour guide.I'm working as an English speaking tour guide for more than 20 years, although I live in Cairo but was lucky to travel all around Egypt and my experience is increasing every time I join new people in tours.I’m self-employed and hold a legal license to work as an official tour guide provided from the Egyptian ministry of tourism.I’m working as a full time tour guide and have no other activities at the moment.I believe to be a tour guide is not just a job to do, but it's a chance to deliver the history and culture of your country the best way you can, so visitors will get the maximum benefit of their tours.I'm ready to suggest tours and tailor make tours too upon your interest, and have a wide range of choices to choose from if you like to get exactly what you are looking for during your visit to Egypt.So you are welcome to send any request and will be my pleasure to answer and suggest to you what can be the best options for you.

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