adriana kacuqi - местный частный тур гид в стране Албания

I am a toung and positive person that enjoys oudoors and exploring , love to help people discover the very best of my country. i worked as a private guide for my hometown and helped backpackers make memories also started myself a pubcrawl in the capital to party and make friends. I love traveling myself and exploring cultures , I consider myself very curious . This helps me understand tourists that visit Albania and what they might be looking for. I can suggest you nice places to visit , stay and enjoy amazing food in almost every city . I do speak and understand a bit of turkish and spanish :)

Языки Английский, Итальянский
Валюты Евро (EUR)

Отзывы Туристов (1)

Markus F
23 ИЮН 2024
The worst tour guide I've ever had. Extremly rude, princess similar behaviour and permament roll eye. I've originally booked Adriana for guiding me one whole week through differenties cities in Albania. The payment involved hotel rooms for her own, all bills related to foot/drinks and an appioriate salary. It was an absolute mistake... She shouted me when she had to explan things twice, wasn't reachable for several hours during some days, had similiar no desire on work and was annoyed when I wanted to use public transport instead of private taxis. I was happy she cancelled her job spontaneously during my stay for taking another job. So I could figure out some new tourguiding options.

I was tourguided by at least 15 different tour guides on four contient and I had never problems with one of them. I'm very easy to handle. Adrian was the first guide I really can't recommend. A real shame for the tourguiding scene.
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