Manuela Bockor - местный частный тур гид в стране Эфиопия

Hello beautiful people!! My name is Manuela from Ethiopia, and I am a professional private guide.

-If you are coming for Business, I will make your trip more accessible by providing the necessary services.

-Coming to have a good time? I have got you covered. I Will make sure you are well entertained.

-Coming with family? It will make your and your family's stay unforgettable.

-Customized plan!!!

😊 Contact me on my WhatsApp or email me😊.

Языки амхарский, Английский
Валюты Доллар США (USD)

Экскурсии (6)

Отзывы Туристов (1)

Amanda Dunkin
05 ОКТ 2023
I booked Manuela for a private city tour for my 9 yr old and me. I had a few very specific requests, plus a child dealing with major jet lag. She was easy to communicate with and happy to adjust and accommodate based on our needs.
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