Hanan Elaadi - местный частный тур гид в стране Марокко

My name is hanan.i'm 29 years old .i'm an official city tourguide in morocco .i'm passionate about traveling .i love my job as i enjoy showing to our costmuers the beauty of my lovely country . Also,talk to them about our History ,traditions and culture .i do historical tours (old cities ,mosques,palaces,Gardens,museum, markets....).i cover shopping tours as well for those who like getting lost in the colorful markets of Morocco to get such nice souvenirs.In addition,i do food tour for the lovers of food culture to test a vraity of traditional and street food.

Языки Арабский, Английский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR)

Отзывы Туристов (3)

Cheryl Calentine
08 ФЕВ 2023
Hanan took me around the Medina and showed me all the amazing sights. She knows all the history and is so enthusiastic when she tells you. I felt very safe and happy with Hanan during our day tour. She is so sweet and such a nice person. I would recommend her as a guide to anyone and I plan on returning to marrakesh and will use her as my guide again. I hover her five of five stars
Aisyah Abd Jalil
18 ФЕВ 2023
We had Hanan as our tour guide, twice in Marrakech. Hanan was very knowledgeable, engaging, and very accommodating when we booked her at the last minute. She was very good with children, my kids loved her; and our family remember her & Marrakech very fondly. I really recommend Hanan as a tour guide ❤️
Anne Wright
12 МАР 2023
I had such a lovely day exploring Marrakech with my local guide Hanan El. I only had one day in Marrakesh so optimizing my time was important, and she was very quick to pick up on my interests and priorities.

Hanan showed me the iconic sights and landmarks complete with the historical and cultural background including hitting the back streets where I enjoyed some fabulous local dishes. She was charming, knowledgeable and spoke English very well.

I will be going back to Marrakech and I will definitely call on Hanan again. I couldn’t have had a more perfect day and I’m pretty sure Hanan even arranged the beautiful weather. Thanks so much for one of the best days of my vacation Hanan.
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