Sarki Sherpa Guide - местный частный тур гид в стране Непал

Sarki Sherpa is an enthusiastic outdoor educator with extensive knowledge and experience of adventure tourism in Nepal. Born in Okhaldunga, located in the Mt Everest region, he grew up in the foothills of the Nepali Himalayas. Growing up with the Himalayas, these Himalayas ranges became so close to him that he started dreaming his entire life spent on the lap of nature. His passion for outdoor life continued with his age. Following his passion for living with the Himalayas, he started working in adventure tourism — trekking and travel — after his graduation. Along with this, he started getting several opportunities to lead lots of trekking trips of Nepal's pristine mountains and foothills and trek and climb the country's majestic peaks. However, his passion for learning more to get closer to the Himalayas did 't stop there. Then, he begins his journey of becoming a professional mountain leader in Nepal. Thereafter, he started taking more training and made himself able to be recognized as a qualified instructor for the Nepal Mountain Leadership course (NML). He continues leading trips within the Rocky Mountains and the Himalayas.

Sarki has also worked closely with different national and international companies. While leading experiential learning trekking, he has also worked in adventure and education institutions. As part of his ethos of giving back, he started working as a volunteer mountain leadership Course instructor in 2013 for the Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA). Every January and June months each year, he teaches about different Himalayan regions of Nepal as well as teaches technical and soft skills of trekking and mountaineering that include leadership, navigation, map reading, risk management, and rescue evacuation to high altitude mountaineers and workers ahead of the trekking and expedition season. In 2016, he was selected from the mountain leader instructors to train a new Nepali guide who wanted to be a mountain leader. In acknowledgment of his hard work at the Nepal Mountain Leadership School NMA, technical and business skills, in 2016, he registered a new trekking and adventure company, and he was the team leader of Soul Himalaya Treks to work professionally with his experienced team to lead travelers in the Mountains.

With nearly 24 years of experience leading adventure trips, Sarki is passionate about his country and culture and loves to explore his home and share the joys of Nepal with others. He is an avid climber, trekker, photographer, and outdoor educator. He has also completed the Advanced Mountain Leader course from NMA and Wilderness First Responder from the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS).

As secretary of the Trekking Guides Association Nepal (TGAN), he has actively advocated for the protection and betterment of the industry and the environment. 

Trainings & Guiding Experince 

I have 22 years of Outdoor Experience, including Trekking, Hiking, adventure activities, and Outdoor Backpacking, in National and international Trekking and Tour companies.

Mountain leadership Course instructors 

Trekking guide training from the government of Nepal 

Advance mountain leaders course, C1C2 and Winter Course (NMA)2017 

Nepal Mountaineering Association NMA

Climbing & mountaineering;   Training from Mountain Academy Nepal (MAN)

Wilderness First Aid from  Training SOLO

Wilderness First Aid Responder from National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS)

Basic Rescue Training from the Nepal Mountaineering Inspectors Association NMIA

Rock indicatory  Training Basic Reco Corse Completed From Nepal Mountaineering Instructors Association NMIA

Advance Backpacking Training  Completed from Leave No Trace LNT/WWF

High Altitude Risk Management and Leadership Training from Nepal Tourism Board NTB 

Языки Английский, Французский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR), Непальская рупия (NPR)

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