Sedat Cengiz - местный частный тур гид в стране Турция

My personal background and linguistic skills (English, Turkish, Arabic) have both strongly influenced my decision to be in the tourism sector for many years. I completed my primary and secondary education in Kuwait, where I was born and raised. Upon moving to Turkey with my family in 2003, I completed my bachelor's degree at the Department of Security Science of Ataturk University in Erzurum. Later on, I entered the Istanbul Police Directorate as a Police Officer responsible for tourism. I resigned with my own will in January 2018 due to career and academic purposes. After my resignation, I worked as an Inspector in the Istanbul Chamber of Guides, where I inspected official tourist guides and illegal tourist guides. My background in a foreign country and my years of experience in the international environment have convinced me to be an accredited tourist guide.

Countries visited: United States Of America / France / Russia / Israel / Iran / Bosnia and Herzegovina / Germany / Netherlands / Czechia / Spain / Palestine / Italy / Kuwait / Greece / Saudi Arabia /

Языки Английский, Tурецкий
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR), Турецкая лира (TRY)

Экскурсии (7)

Отзывы Туристов (2)

fawad desai
23 МАЙ 2022
Sedat is amazing guide. He is very friendly, knowledgeable and he knows what we want. He has good communication skills. The best thing is he is always available for help even after the tour. He is the best. I would recommend him to everyone without any doubt.
07 ИЮН 2022
Absolutely excellent person with all the good traits required for his service. Please do contact him and you will have no regrets. He will help you for the entire trip in Turkey. His knowledge and planning helped us to optimise our day. I am so glad we could connect with him.
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