Mahmoud Elfeky - местный частный тур гид в стране Египет

Hi everyone,

My name is Mahmoud Elfeky, I'm an Egyptian freelancer tour guide by the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Hotels since 2008.

I am an open-minded and respectful person who enjoys travelling and nature. I am a simple person that values the little things in life. I do not drink or smoke but that does not mean I do not know how to have fun. I provide services as an official English and Arabic speaking tour guide for more than 10 years of experience. Customer experience is the most important to me, so l always listen to your needs and what you wish to achieve from your visit. From beaches to temples, museum and food, your itinerary can be completely customized. Due to my background in Egyptology, I am able to incorporate facts and knowledge in a fun and engaging way to the sites we visit. Excursions, day trips, evening tours, airport transfers, interpreter/ translator (English and Arabic) for you, regardless of whether you are alone, couple, families or small/big groups. I am a strong believer that love and kindness are universal no matter which country you are from. We are all trying to find happiness and meaning in our lives. Contact me for a chat or ask any questions you have, everyone is a friend! Kemet Loves You

Языки Арабский, Английский, Польский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR), Египетский фунт (EGP)

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