Frid Moncef - местный частный тур гид в стране Алжир

I'm a licensed local Tour guide, I would be very happy and glade to welcome you in Algeria.

I can organize and handle any trip throughout Algerian's big city including Algiers Tipaza / Cherchell /Constantine/Timgad Djanet


My first concern is to make you discover Algerian lifestyle local traditions and culture, a total immersion and a true visit experience within the best touristic site.

Языки Арабский, Английский, Французский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR), Фунт стерлингов (GBP)

Экскурсии (5)

Отзывы Туристов (6)

john mcqueen
02 ДЕК 2022
Thanks so much for your profesional you are a capable and very serious guide i really enjoyed Algiers and tipaza tour with my family I highly recommend you for next trips
Good job keep going 😍
18 НОЯ 2023
Nous avons pu découvrir avec ma famille Constantine grâce à Frid Moncef. Très réactif disponible et passionné ! Il est certain que pour nos prochains passages en Algérie nous vous contacterons pour visiter ce si beau pays ! Merci !!!
Aleksandr Fedyna
08 МАР 2024
Thanks for impressive Algiers city and Tipasa tours, it has been insightful two days entertainment. I like when a guide does his job with love to his country, that was such case.
Ray Millar
20 МАР 2024
I arranged an all day tour of Constantine and a day trip to the Roman ruins at Timgad with Monsef before leaving the UK. Monsef kept in touch with me all the time and even arranged to meet me at Alger's Airport even though it was not the part of the arrangements.

It was unfortunate that I had to fly out to Constantine the following day which left no time to see Algiers. Monsef's colleague, Haider, met me at the airport, transported me to my hotel and then the following day took me on a comprehensive walking tour of the city. I had a wonderful time and Haider showed me everything. It could not have been better and I am most grateful to have had the opportunity to experience this beautiful city. I would highly recommend anyone who wishes to see Constantine to take this tour.

My only disappointment was not having enough time to take Monsef's tours around Algiers.
Jacques Sempere
19 АПР 2024
Guide extremement sympathique et compétent. Moncef n'a pas hésité à adapter sa visite pour nous satisfaire. Visite de la casbah très intéressante. Nous avons appris beaucoup. Magnifique journée à Tipasa. Guide vivement recommandé. Top!! Nous referons appel à ses services.
Miguel Cervantes
28 ИЮН 2024
Very satisfied with Moncef as a guide he was very careful yo every details starting from the airport where he picked up very nice welcoming I have spent 7 days in Algeria exploring Algiers Tipaza Béjaïa Constantin extremely satisfied by history and culture of this country Moncef didn't hesitate to take me to all touristic places
I will travel again to algeria and call him without hesitation
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