Omar Saleh - местный частный тур гид в стране Египет


As a tour guide in Egypt, I would describe myself as a passionate and knowledgeable individual with a deep love and appreciation for the rich history and culture of this fascinating country. I take great pride in sharing my knowledge and insights with visitors, providing them with a unique and unforgettable experience of Egypt's ancient treasures and modern-day attractions.

I am a skilled communicator and natural leader, able to engage groups of all sizes and backgrounds with ease and enthusiasm. I am also patient and attentive to the needs of my clients, always willing to go the extra mile to ensure their safety, comfort, and satisfaction.

As an Egyptian, I have a personal connection to the country's history and culture that I bring to my work as a tour guide. I am eager to share this connection with visitors, providing them with a deeper understanding and appreciation of the wonders of Egypt.

Overall, I am proud to be a tour guide in Egypt and look forward to continuing to provide visitors with exceptional experiences that they will remember for a lifetime.

Языки Арабский, Английский
Валюты Доллар США (USD)

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