Liam Liu - местный частный тур гид в стране Китай

I run a tour agency and would like to help tourists to arrange tours in English,French,Spanish ,German or Italian. I am passionate about history, architecture and cultural diversity. Over the years, I have developed a fascination with cultural influences and their contributions to Shanghai and its history, and in this, I have built an extensive knowledge. This has been one of the foundations for my tours where I specialize in connecting Shanghai to the rest of the world and every type of person that lives in it!

As an experienced tour guide who majored in English literature,I would now like to focus on providing quality PRIVATE tours exclusively for visitors traveling independently to Shanghai and offer a wide variety of standard tours in Shanghai and cities nearby (Suzhou, Hangzhou and Wuzhen) along with customized tours designed to meet your specific wants and needs. My tours are fact-based, comprehensive and are designed to teach you about the people, culture and history of this unique cities.

Enjoy the comfort of having your own private guide - the ease of not having to mix with a large tour group and keep up with the one-size-fits-all, impersonal pace of a group tour leader. During my private guide services, you will set your own speed allowing you to stop for the perfect photo when you want to and to take a refreshment break whenever you need it.

Please do send me messages to start our brilliant tour. I shall be looking forward to hearing from you .


airport pick-up and drop-off services

different language speaking tour guide services

car service

translation service for biz meetings

Языки Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Итальянский, Японский, Корейский, Русский, Испанский, ...
Валюты Юань (CNY), Доллар США (USD)

Экскурсии (6)

Отзывы Туристов (3)

Helene Cossonneau
10 МАР 2024
Liam a tété formidable ! Grâce à lui, j'ai pu découvrir la Chine comme jamais je ne l'aurais imaginé. Je recommande vivement Liam pour son efficacité, son adaptation et sa gentillesse hors norme!
Marilena Piccirilli
30 АПР 2024
Siamo stati 3 giorni a shanghai e Liam ci ha organizzati in modo impeccabile. Avevamo un'auto privata che xi ha portato ovunque sia in città che nei due villaggi fuori shanghai. Ci hanno accompagnati 2 guide diverse che parlavano in italiano, entrambi bravissimi...veramente organizzato benissimo e comunque a nostra disposizione se volevamo fare altre attività diverse. Complimenti Liam!
Maria Sarno
05 ИЮН 2024
Sono stata in Cina con mio marito e mio figlio di 2 anni per 10 giorni e Liam ci ha organizzato perfettamente ogni nostro spostamento con macchine grandi e spaziose e guide pazienti e preparate. Abbiamo cambiato più volte l'itinerario ma lui pazientemente ha cercato di soddisfare ogni nostra esigenza.
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