khaled Abbass - местный частный тур гид в стране Египет


Welcome to my website. My name is Khaled Abbass. I’m a tour guide who specializes in English language tours and a member of the Egyptian Tourist Guides Syndicate. I have completed 7 certificates in management and customer relations. Two of my degrees are in the English language. I have extensive experience working with many tour agencies including my own groups, friends from the USA, and other speaking English countries. I have a high-level of degree which makes me an expert in all branches of Egyptology

I provide my friends and clients with a variety of tours throughout all Egypt. Alexandria, Cairo, Luxor, Edfu, Kom Ombo, Aswan, and Abu simbl include a full explanation in English and bonus information about social life in Egypt.

Creating and organizing day trips and full programs that cover all of Egypt for you to discover it’s magic, beauty, and unique culture.

We invite you to let us guide you through your memorable discovery of Egypt. Let us show you how unique and specialized our tours are. I conduct my tours with my unique additions of some special side tours which will refresh you and give you added enjoyment to your time in Egypt. Please view our examples below of our previous satisfied friends and customers' thoughts of their experience...

I look forward to meeting you and guiding you through amazing Egypt

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