Mario Monteiro - местный частный тур гид в стране Индия


I am Mario, a very passionate and dedicated tour Guide for my city, Goa. The Goa that I grew up in was very different from what it is today. It had a charm that was unique and a culture that was still strongly influenced by its gripping past. This led me to become very interested in learning all about my delightful homeland at a very young age.

Digging through the rich cultural heritage of Goa soon turned into a desire to share its beauty with others. Turning my passion into a profession, I worked my way to becoming a licensed tour guide who is recognized by the Goa State Tourism Department and has over 20 years of experience leading tours across Goa.

A tour with me will always be accompanied by interesting facts and stories about Goa’s enthralling history and fascinating culture. The enthusiasm and passion that I have for Goa are contagious and will leave you captivated as I guide you through my quaint and unforgettable homeland.

My tours are suitable for all travelers and families, right from the oldest to the youngest. They can be personalized to accommodate your needs, so do not hesitate to share your thoughts and preferences. Whether you are a first-time visitor or you are a seasoned traveler, I will do my best to make your visit unique!

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