Saida El Merabet - местный частный тур гид в стране Марокко

Hello dear friend, I'm Saida from Morocco. Im twenty years old , I studied physics then I decided to take a break from school and start working and traveling. I started traveling first in My country to discover the rish culture we have in Morocco while I was working in different places by doing different things . I work in hostel and restaurants, also I did some language and mathematic teaching .. I'm always wandering about our world and by being close and open to the other nationality I can understand more and more the life which is amazing for me . I'm up to help around with gardening, cleaning , laundry, woodworking, also teaching Arabic , French, English if needed.

I worked before in seven different hostels as a stuff . After that I discovered that I can cook very nice food as well so I started working in restaurants as well . I was also An Arab Frensh teacher in a school back in My country Morocco, and to save money for traveling I was taking care of kids , old people and animals . Besides this I did some photography and scenario writing for short movies.

Языки Арабский, Английский, Французский, Испанский
Валюты Евро (EUR)

Экскурсии (2)

Отзывы Туристов (1)

Elsa Wang
28 НОЯ 2023
Thank you so much Saida! The best Morocco tour guide! She took us to the place where you cannot find on Google map (beach and local waterfall)! Definitely wonderful experience. Also she is very kind and thoughtful, thank you so much. I would like to find you the next time I travel with my friends.
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