Gur Milandou Mouanga - местный частный тур гид в стране Конго

I am Gur Milandou Mouanga, from Cape Town in South Africa.

As a media communication specialist, I worked for many years as journalist, TV and Radio Presenter, News Reporter, Media Consultant and Marketing Agent for various South African and international based firms.

My interest in tourism industry led me to enroll as per time student at Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Tourism Academy and Cape Wine Academy in South Africa for qualifications as a tourist guide and wine Connoisseur. I now work as a manager at one of the local wine Estate in Cape Town and co-owner of a south African based company called Bomil International Pty.

In my spare time, I am a dedicated community and voluntary worker, engaged with social justice and interfaith activities. My seminarian studies in USA awarded me with a Masters of Arts in Leadership Studies at Meadville Lombard Faculty in Chicago and I am currently pursuing my studies in Dual Master’s Program for Masters in Divinity, aiming to be ordained as Community Minister.

I am married to an educator lady from Zimbabwe and father of two children: boy and girl.

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