Muzaffer Ertuna - местный частный тур гид в стране Турция

Welcome to Türkiye! Your passionate local guide (originally from Istanbul!) is here! It is my pleasure to customize my tours to fit your unique experiences according to your requests.

After getting my bachelor's degree in econometrics as a valedictorian and working in finance and foreign trade sectors in Türkiye for several years, I went to the USA. When I was studying for my master's in economics at George Washington University (GWU), I was offered two prestigious postgraduate scholarships by The University of Nottingham (UoN), and so I moved to the UK. After getting my PGCert in economics from The UoN, I moved back to Istanbul and started my master's in econometrics in order to pursue a PhD. However, at the same time, I took my first steps toward my professional career in tourism.

During my life in Washington DC, for about 4 years, I had experienced not only being a volunteer translator for Turkish delegations and international students hosted by non-profit organizations sponsored by the US government but also being a volunteer guide for cultural tours, including the Smithsonian Institution, the world's largest museum complex.

Therefore, after moving back to Istanbul, I desired to present Istanbul - my lovely hometown! - and Türkiye to tourists in the right way and completed the tourist guidance program at Cappadocia University as a full scholarship scholar. I also hold an associate of arts degree in cultural heritage and tourism and have been studying art history at Istanbul Medeniyet University.

I have been qualified by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Republic of Türkiye, as an expert professional guide in Istanbul - Cappadocia - Ephesus, Kusadasi and on the Eastern Roman Empire - Gobekli Tepe and Upper Mesopotamia - the Seven Churches of Revelation.

I am looking forward to meeting you on your next trip to Türkiye.

Thank you for your time and interest.

All the best,


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