Mark Hampande - местный частный тур гид в стране Замбия

McFirster (popularly known as Mark) is a socialite Zambian citizen who is an experienced and passionate tour guide worth reckoning with. His in-depth local knowledge and outgoing and easy-going personality make Mark the favorite for most international tourists looking for dedicated private tour guides whilst on tour in Zambia. He has field experience spanning over 10 years, guiding international tourists through some of the best places in Zambia.

His popular field for tour guiding is places such as Kafue, South Luangwa, Mosi-oa-Tunya (including Victoria Falls), and Lower Zambezi National Parks. He is domiciled in Livingstone, the tourism capital of Zambia, and is available 24/7 and 360 days a year to offer any activities in Livingstone. Mark was trained in International Tourism Management by International Hotel Systems of New Zealand.

Mark runs Lochinvar Safaris hands-on, a small-scale multi-day safari Tour Operator company fully licensed by the Zambia Tourism Agency under license number 0003460. Lochinvar Safaris has some of the best Tour Guides in Zambia, offering various Eco-friendly Activities, Tours, and Experiences, mostly in Livingstone, the tourism capital of Zambia. The company practices sustainable tourism as part of the proceeds of Lochinvar Safaris tourism activities are plowed back into the communities we operate in as a way to empower local people economically. The target market for Lochinvar Safaris is budget-to-midrange international tourists looking for personalized and attention-to-detail private tour guiding services anywhere in Zambia. Travelers are welcome to undertake any of the listed multi-day tours, activities, and experiences.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to offer value-for-money tour guiding services safely to any client without compromising on quality service delivery!

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