Ibrahim Hussen - местный частный тур гид в стране Египет


My name is Ibrahim, you can call me "Hima"

I am a freelance tour operator for more than 6 years now, I run all my tours through our company in Egypt Hobba Tours, So you will get the best service and have an unforgettable experience exploring Egypt with an expert tour guide and immerse yourself in ancient Egypt and history by learning everything from us about ancient Egypt.

Языки Китайский, Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Итальянский, Японский, Португальский, Испанский, ...
Валюты Доллар США (USD)

Экскурсии (6)

Отзывы Туристов (1)

Noah Robin
02 МАЙ 2024
The tour was great and both our driver and the guide were flexible and tailored it to our needs.
For example, we asked to be brought to a local restaurant rather than a tourist restaurant, and they found a very good one for us.
We also asked to skip the papyrus shop and they agreed to it.
Our Italian speaking guide, Nahed, was great and very professional. She also spoke excellent Italian!

Thank you Ibrahim for your help 🙏
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