Yasaman Mohajer - местный частный тур гид в стране Иран

I'm Yasaman. I'm the Theater Director. I am designing performances for the city. Tehran is full of old and new stories. You can come with me to explore the city. I am interested in the old and new places of Tehran. I can take you on a trip with my perspective in the city. I will introduce you to the areas of the latest generation of Iran in the capital. I will accompany you to cafes, museums, and various old markets (Bazar) and traditional dishes in the city to introduce you to the past and new of Tehran.

Welcome to Tehran!

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Экскурсии (1)

Отзывы Туристов (1)

Charleston Aroz
20 МАР 2024
Yasaman helped me plan and experience some of the historic sites, traditional caffes and the real every day local Iranian life in Tehran. Got to know about the local art & theater scene too.
She is capable of doing tailor made tour schedules depending on the time on hand.
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