Serge Roso - местный частный тур гид в стране Япония

Hi lovely travelers,

I'm Serge, originally from the Netherlands, and Japan has been my home for over three decades now. What brought me here initially was love, and that love has kept me rooted in this beautiful country ever since. Along the way, I discovered another love: Japan itself. Following my stint as a radio jockey and TV presenter, where I co-hosted a dedicated program for the Nagoya Grampus soccer team, I transitioned to a behind-the-scenes role as a media fixer for international media outlets. This journey taught me a valuable lesson: the key to traveling together successfully lies in a blend of humor, professionalism, and adaptability. Let me be a tiny yet important part of an unforgettable journey.

Языки Голландский, Английский, Японский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR), Иена (JPY)

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