Papasidero and the Paleolithic graffito in the Mystic Mercurion

Idioma Inglés, Italiano, Español
Costo 125 EUR por la excursión
Número de participantes Grupo de más de 10 personas
Duración 4 horas

In the heart of Pollino National Park in Calabria there is a stone age shelter. It is something very rare, a shelter where 9 Paleolithic engravements with skeletons, scrapers, shells and bones came to light together with a graffito masterpiece.

This is a bos primigemius graffito realized by a skilled homo sapiens 14.000 years ago.

The visit to the Archaeological Area include the shelter and the Museum (entrance fee not included) and a walk in the medieval town and the roman bridge leading to the former Basilian sanctuary of the Odigitra Virgin.


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