Idioma Inglés, Portugués
Costo 150 USD por la excursión
Número de participantes Grupo de hasta 5 personas
Duración 10 horas

2 DAY Tour -Group or Private Tour

Most visitors to Turkey know of Ancient Troy and the Gallipoli from the films of the same name. Both the scenes of epic battles and massive bloodshed.

Take a 2 days tour from Istanbul visiting Gallipoli & Troy

First Day; Travel to the Gallipoli Peninsula, walk the tunnels and trenches of the historical battlefields on the Dardanelles from WWI...Stay overnight in Canakkale or Eceabat.

Second Day; Cross the Dardanelles Water Channel & visit ancient city of Troy. End of trip, return back to Istanbul around evening.

Including: Round Trip Transportation, Guiding, All fees, lunch on the first day, 1 Night Bed & Breakfast in Hotel, Ferry Ticket


* Gallipoli - was the biggest & bloodiest campaign of World War I, in which more than 500,000 soldiers laid down their lives.

* Kabatepe War Museum - A modern museum hosts the findings from the Gallipoli War & provides a virtual tour of the peninsula with maps, images and interactive panoramas, 3D films & sound effects.

* Beach Cemetery & Ari Burnu Cemetery - Contains the known graves of New Zealanders & Australians.

* Anzac Cove - The little bay where the principal landing area of The Australia and New Zealand Army Corps and location of the dawn service on Anzac Day.

* Lone Pine - A set of Turkish trenches south of Johnston's Jolly, taken and held by the Australians during the WW I.

* Johnston's Jolly - A Turkish position just north of Lone Pine.

* The Nek - A narrow tongue of no man's land, running from Anzac Cove towards the Turkish trenches.

* Wallker's Ridge - The left flank of the original Anzac line.

* Turkish Memorial - Holds the Turkish 57th Regiment cemetery. 57th Regiment was the first to fight to ANZACs and nobody in the 57th Infantry Regiment survived from the war.

* Chunuk Bair Heights - It is the highest ridge on Gallipoli peninsula & the place where Turkish defenders and soldiers of New Zealand and Britain fought in August 1915.

* Dardanelles - a strategic waterway connecting the Aegean Sea with the Sea of Marmara.

* Ancient City of Troy - Turkey's most spectacular archeological site in northwest Turkey, It is best known for being the setting of the Trojan War described in Epic of Iliad by Homer.

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