Stone town walking tour

Idioma Inglés, Alemán, Italiano
Costo 50 USD por la excursión
Número de participantes 1 persona
Duración 3 horas

Stone town is the birth place of Zanzibar history,cultures and is a beating heart of Zanzibar,throughout the centuries it was a very important meeting point of all races of was here the journey for the expedition of the discoveries for the source of the nile river began in 1857,missionaries,sailors and slave traders have left their marks here.the evidence of their legacy still seen in the populations,the cultures and the architectures

Stone town walking tour takes you the heyday when Zanzibar was the vast commercial empire in east africa as the center of slave trade,the land of spices and the gateway to africa. you will have understanding of vibrancy of cultures,religions and the architecture as you experience the mxture of architectures and the landmarks buildings of Zanzibar such as the old fort,sultan palace,the Anglican church and catholic as well a the birth place of freedy mercury as you pay tribute to his home.then marvel the aerial view of stone town to one of the highest building in stone town and a visite to the market is the must.Darajani market is the place to see the interactions of local people and their activities and varieties of island's produce such as fruits.vegetables as well as spices where you can buy spices at spice market section at the market

Price include

Transfer from hotel

Guiding fee

Drinking water


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