Amsterdam First Time Walking Tour

Idioma Holandés, Inglés, Francés, Alemán
Costo 275 EUR por la excursión
Número de participantes Grupo de hasta 5 personas
Duración 3 horas

For first time visitors to Amsterdam, this tour is a great opportunity to start to get to know the city.

We will walk along the streets and squares where the city in the 12th century emerged from the water, so to speak. And of course we will pass many of the well known Amsterdam buildings, like the Old Church, the Schreierstoren (part of the old wall), De Waag (old city gate), Dam square with the Royal Palace and many more.

Along the way I will tell you about the development of the city from the early days to the present. You will have a good impression of the city and it's origins and you will want to come back for more!


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