The lost Khorezm in desert

Idioma Inglés, Alemán, Ruso
Costo 150 USD por la excursión
Número de participantes Grupo de hasta 4 personas
Duración 8 horas

Many centuries ago, unknown architects erected impregnable fortresses on the territory of Khorezm. And to this day, these powerful buildings surprise both scientists and travelers. The territory of Khorezm is often called «Central Asian Ancient Egypt» - only there will not be a crowd of tourists, so you quietly explore a mysterious place in the middle of the desert and feel its atmosphere.

Khorezm’s Riddles

There are not many places in the world where a relatively small area is concentrated such a number of ancient architectural monuments. There are more than a dozen fortresses here alone! How did the ancient builders manage to build all these grandiose structures? So many buildings have survived to this day? And most of them are 2,000 years old.

Tour plan

The fortress of Ajazkala (4th-3rd century. BC. e.) is one of the most picturesque monuments of Karakalpakstan. In fact, there are not one, but three fortresses grouped around the hill. You will make sure that the settlement was given a name, which in Turkic means «fortress in the wind». Blown by the strongest winds, this fortress for centuries stands proudly and impregnable, and you will feel the power of the place.

Toprak-kala, or «Earthen City». Excavations of this castle became a sensation: it turned out that in the 3rd century the city was the progressive capital of Ancient Khorezm, on this land flourished antique culture, and the streets and premises were so well designed that Toprak-kala can be called the kingdom of geometry. You will see its ruins and learn how life was here.

Kyzyl-kala - this ancient structure was erected as a defensive fortress and was part of the chain of Khwarezmia fortifications created to protect the northeastern edge of ancient Khorezm. The walls of the fortress were so powerful - 8 m thick - that even using wall-bitten guns, the enemies could not get inside. You will hear the legend of a thousand kilometers dungeon, find out who lives in it and what is hidden there.


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