Bukhara from Tashkent by fast train

Idioma Inglés, Francés, Alemán, Italiano, Ruso
Costo 150 USD por la excursión
Número de participantes 1 persona
Duración 9 horas

Speed, comfort and convenience

To Bukhara and back you will get on the high-speed train Afrosiab (tickets are included in the price). In the city you will be met and accompanied throughout the route by a professional guide.

You will see all the main attractions of the city and hear about them interesting facts.

The program of the tour:

Lyabi House - an area where you will see several ancient madrasahs and a small artificial pond, which like to relax locals. I’ll reveal how Laby House is connected to merchants, Judaism, and Hodge Nasreddin.

Trading domes - I’ll show you the ancient domes of Toki-Sarrafon, Toki-Telpak Furushon and Toki-Zargaron. And I will tell you about Bukhara as an important point on the map of the Great Silk Road.

The Poi-Kalon Ensemble - is the spiritual centre of the city. Here you will learn about the significance of the 47-meter minaret of the same name and how the educational process was built in the only madrasah that worked in the Soviet times.

The Citadel of Arc - is the main residence of the Bukhara rulers. You will hear what happened there and what important people have been there.

Mausoleum of Samanids is a tomb of representatives of one of the oldest eastern dynasties. You will decipher its unusual architecture, combining elements of Islam and Zoroastrianism.


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