Panaji historical city tour - half day driving shore excursion

Sprache Englisch, Hindi, Marathi (Marāṭhī)
Kosten 18000 INR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 6 Stunden

Fontainhas (little fountain in Portuguese) is a latin quarters, at the foot of the hills. It is one of the main attractions in the city and there is not best way to explore it than with a local. You will enjoy the local atmosphere while seeing the colourful buildings and learn about the history.

This will be just the beginning of our historic tour as I will bring you to the Reis Magos Fort, the oldest fort in Goa. It has been restored and it is today a cultural and heritage centre. It is worth to be visited.

We will continue to learn about Portuguese history by visiting Fort Aguada, another fort situated by Sinquerim beach. A walk here will be pleasant to enjoy the sea-view.

Our last stop will be 'Mae De Dues' (Mother of God) church at Saligao Goa, an amazing Neo-Gothic Catholic church. You will be amazed by its architecture. Inside, we will see the miraculous statue of Mae de Deus saved from the ruins of the convent at Old Goa.


- Pick up at the port, airport or hotel and drive for about 45 min.

- Fontainhas visit - about 30 min.

- The Reis Magos Fort - 30 minutes drive. We will have a walking tour for about 30 minutes.

- Fort Aguada - 15 min drive.

- Sequerim beach - walking by.

- Mae De Dues church visit at Saligao Goa.

- Drop off at your accommodation.

*The tour can be customised. Please, contact to discuss details.


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