Damodar Divkar ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Indien


Hi, thank you for going through my profile!

I have been born, brought up and educated in my lovely mother land and tourism State Goa.

I have completed my studies at the secondary school and attended a few courses in shipping. After school, I started offering tours for people arriving by cruise ships or to the ones staying for more days.

I enjoy providing guided tour to people travelling here and give them descriptive information of every place in the area. I take good care of my guests and make sure they have a great experience while on tour with me.

Goa is the perfect destination for holidays, from the west coast beaches to the heritages and monuments with natural water springs forest experience. This is why my home state is called Natures Nest. Their places of natural spring are very beneficial and the water gives miraculous results for the painful bodies.

I can help you to witness beautiful sunsets, the night bazar and night festival happening in Bardez Goa. I can bring you to the beach with fine flour type sand to enjoy a great swimming experience. You can also experience real authentic meal restaurant or I can arrange for a small group of maximum 4, a homemade one. A spice plantation visit can be arranged with authentic cuisine freshly prepared foods and freshly plugged spices.

For the ones interested in water sports, we can arrange activities like jet-ski, para-selling, banana-cart ride and more.

The rocky natural bricks built huge monuments, forts and churches can be seen and a descriptive knowledgeable history will be given to you.

I am passionate in photography so you will going to enjoy snapshots clicked by me, if you are interested in it.

You will be taken in new vehicles with all safety measures while on tour.

I will make sure you can get a pleasant experience based on your interests, just give me the opportunity to be at your service as your guide in Goa!

My shared experience here is very truthful and at the best of my knowledge.

Thank you 🌹🙏

Sprachen Englisch, hindi, Marathi (Marāṭhī)
Währungen Dollar (CAD), Pfund (EGP), Euro (EUR), Rupie (INR), Pfund (GBP), Rubel (RUB), Riyal (SAR), Dirham (AED), ...

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