Driver-Guide in Kyrgyzstan

Язык Английский, Kyrgyz, Русский, Tурецкий
Стоимость 165 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 1 день

Professional driver/guide with Toyota RAV 4 2003 2.0 2 types baby seats, high clearance car good for hunting and fishing,high skilled will drive you around in Kyrgyzstan

My Proffesional goals are long expirience as a driver in local International Organizations and big knoledge by local roads and conditons, seasonal changings and other critical situations. I have crossed many trainings by security aspects like antiaccident driving on ice special certicate I got it from Siberia Russia, UN certicates by Security in The Field, First Aid Cetificate, Dealing with aggression with hostage Simulation by specialists from Italy, Danish Anticorruptional Traings and guide trainings by EastGuidesWest by Indy-Gude and others.I attached them all with the photos from my trips with Indy-Guide customers.

I love my beautiful country and I want show her for my guest as a one of the best countryies of The World Please Welcome!

1-2 Days tour price: 160$/day (car with driver-guide and his expencies,fuel,meal,accomodation included)

3-4 Days tour price: 155$/day (car with driver-guide and his expencies,fuel,meal,accomodation included)

5-6 Days tour price: 150$/day (car with driver-guide and his expencies,fuel,meal,accomodation included)

7-8 Days tour price: 145$/day (car with driver-guide and his expencies,fuel,meal,accomodation included)

9-10 Days tour price: 140$/day (car with driver-guide and his expencies,fuel,meal,accomodation included)

11-and more Days tour price: 135$/day (car with driver-guide and his expencies,fuel,meal,accomodation included)




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