Akunov Marat - местный частный тур гид в стране Кыргызстан

My name is Marat, an experienced and English speaking guide-driver from Kyrgyzstan.

High Clearanced and fully equiped and Technical controled vehicle Advanced First Aid Kit

English, Russian, Kyrgyz, Turkish languages speaking . My qualities is hospitality, high responsibility,Puctual,Tactful

Meeting from airport to airport driving to airport only in safety conditions.

I have a car (Mercedes) in good condition for all roads of Kyrgyzstan. I can offer a great experience around my country, it's realy now on the top of the most popular countries of the world with untouched nature, long history and with 3000 different lakes, rivers and 30 waterfalls.And encient local traditional events like eagle hunting, handcrafting, horseriding and others. I can create the itinerary according to your preferences.Organising and creating car tours around Kyrgyzstan. Aranging accomodation, food, excurtions for foriegn visitors, safety driving in off road conditions, organising traditional and ethnical performancies, extermal and active tours. Visa and equipment support. Acquired skills: Certificate: SuperHost Indy-Guide Bishkek 03.20 Certificate: First Aid Course Red Crescent Bishkek 02.19 Certificate: Circle of service Exellence East Guides West Bishkek 11.17 Certificate: Basic Security in The Field UNDSS United Nations Bishkek 09.17 Certificate: Advanced Security in The Field UNDSS United Nations Bishkek 09.17

Языки Английский, Kyrgyz, Русский, Tурецкий
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR), Тенге (KZT), Сом (KGS), Российский рубль (RUB)

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