Tour to Giza Pyramids and Sphinx

Язык Арабский, Английский, индонезийский
Стоимость 50 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 4 часа

Tour description

Starts at 8:00 am with pickup from your hotel in either Cairo or Giza By Our Tour guide and transfer to Giza Pyramids to Start your half day tour visiting Giza Pyramids Where you Visit the Great Pyramids - Cheops, Chephren & Mykerinos

There is Opportunity to visit the Pyramids from inside or having Camel ride around the great pyramids but it would be Subject of extra charge

End your tour with a Visit to The Valley Temple where the Priests Mummified the dead body of king Chephren Also over there you will have a close-up look at The Sphinx - The legendary guardian that stands by the huge funeral complex with its lion body and the head of king Chephren and it`s the place where you can have an amazing Pictures for yourself with the Sphinx in many Funny Positions of Course our guide will help you in this matter.

after the tour is finished you will be transferred back to your Hotel.

there is possibility of entering any of the pyramids from inside ,riding camel around of giza pyramids or ridding the quad bike at the wide desert but all those activties can be added on in the middle of the booking process as it requires additional fees


· Private day trip to the Great Pyramids and Sphinx from Cairo

· Guided introduction to each of the three pyramids

· Free time to enter one of the pyramids (additional cost)

· Photo opportunity of the pyramids and Cairo skyline

· Visit the enigmatic Sphinx

· Enjoy privileged, personalized attention from your expert Egyptologist guide on this special private tour

· Pickup and drop-off from Cairo and Giza hotels

Schedule Details

Departure Point:

Centrally located Cairo and Giza.


3 - 4 hours

Additional Information

What's included

-Hotel pick up and drop off

-Egyptologist tour guide from the pick up until the drop off

-Bottled water

-Air-conditioned vehicle


-Private transportation

-WiFi on board

What's excluded

-Entry fees to Giza pyramids area( including the three pyramids the ticket will be 360LE for adulte 180LE for student




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