Ahmed Amer - местный частный тур гид в стране Египет

Hello Egypt lovers. if you are reading this it means you are looking for a tour guide in Egypt and you came to the right person. I'm an English speaking Egyptologist & tour guide with a master degree in Egyptology. i was born and raised in Cairo- Egypt . Beside being a job ,it's a passion to tell guests who come here about the hidden beauties of this country showing them the unknown Egypt which you can't find alone or by a guide book. lets explore true Egypt together with it's traditions and culture ,get connected to the local people and listen to their stories .

What I offer

with over 18 years of experience as a tour guide i guarantee you a very enjoyable and interesting tours. I will explain not only about ancient Egypt but also about modern Egypt with its people, culture and traditions. i will recommend you the best sites to visit , the best restaurants to eat , the best place to hang out and even the best picture spots .

i organize from a to z tours through Egypt starting from airports providing all transportations needed ,hotel reservations.

booking all types of Nile cruise trips [Boat-Dahabyas- Flucas and sail boats.

safari trips in eastern, western, Sinai desert

walking tours in Coptic Cairo with ancient churches ,Islamic Cairo .

My Background, Licenses and certificates

* professional Egyptologist & tour guide with a master degree in ancient Egypt Art and Architecture

*licensed tour guide approved by ministry of tourism

*member of Egyptian guides union

Языки Арабский, Английский, индонезийский
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